
At PTT we aim to always promote the genuine grassroots of the sport. To achieve this sustainably, it is necessary to regularly remove the stronger players from the social divisions. But we don’t just remove them – we create a whole new platform for them. The Inter-Venue League is where the best players from each venue compete weekly both as individuals and as a team.

Only the top-ranked players based on the level-rankings qualify to represent their venue in home and away matches, and the rivalry is fierce! Teams consist of three players each, which means there are nine singles games per match, as well as one doubles match.

Upcoming League

IVL III – Winter 2017

logo_winter_2017Inter-Venue League

Starting: 16 May 2017
Finals: 18 / 20 July 2017

Registration: R150 per person / R450 per team
Cost: R30 per person per match


R1,500 for winning team
R600 for second-placed team
R500 for singles winner


Centurion Snipers
Centurion Samurais
East Eagles
East Emperors
East Elephants
Moot Mustangs
Moot Mavericks
Moot Mohawks

League Scoring

Match Scoring

Unequal match-ups (1 vs 2, 1 vs 3, 2 vs 3) are played best-of-three, while equal match-ups are played best-of-five.
The team’s 1, 2 and 3 is decided by the level rankings as at the time of the match.
The doubles match is played best-of-five.
All scores of individual matches are added together. The doubles match score is doubled. Therefore, a team can achieve:
9 x singles wins = 21 points
1 x doubles win = 3 points x 2 = 6 points
TOTAL 27 points

League Scoring

The score achieved for the matches as detailed above counts as the league score, plus three bonus points for a match win.
In case of a draw, each team is awarded one bonus point.
MAXIMUM 30 league points per match.

Individual League

Only the scores from the individual matches are taken into account.
The best 6 scores up to and including the semi-finals are used to calculate the individual winner.
MAXIMUM 7 league points per match